On this night, black as raven, still as the dead, the clouds like ghosts- journey to disclose the pale moon overhead. We greet each other's dark figures secretly in the stale night air.
"Come with me," I say to you as I take you by the hand,"for the night is still young and I want to walk by the ocean to let the moon guide us across the sand."
Your hair, black as raven, as we walk on the shore. The wind begins wailing. The waves start to roar. "I want you to know I'll love you until the sky falls apart," I say. The ghosts up above start to rumble. The water, outraged, lashes out at my feet.
On this night, black as raven, still as the walking dead. The havens start to cry. The world surrounding us is lit with split seconds of day.
With this heart, black as raven, your life in my hands, I take it from you- and walk away lonely- but with the moon (my companion) and my foot prints.
On this night, black as raven, you're still and you're dead. And the clouds like ghosts- journey to disclose the pale moon overhead. And I return as sercretly as I left in the stale night air.
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