I can't sleep again. I had this issue last night too. I think I finally fell asleep at 12:30 but woke at 3 and then couldn't fall back asleep until 5ish. I'm tired but my mind won't rest. So many thoughts... At least I'm getting better everyday. Slowly I recover. My body is trying to piece it's self back together. I guess time to try again, it's almost 1.
"Colors drained from the day first
then blackness ate from the edges
to the center
shutting down my vision
but not my thoughts
Restlessly tossing
letting my mind pull me
into the surreal
then wandering lost
through slippery landscapes
made entirely of illusions
The sun began pushing
the night from the sky
and my thoughts kept chasing around
in smaller and smaller circles
seeking answers
that fit like a faithful
denim shadow
Hearing from the wind
ghostly exhalations
shadows escaping
and blending into dawn
Answers appear and vanish
only to reappear
covering the illusions
believed to be truths
with clarity"